ARREST: Scarlett Johansson was one of several Hollywood targets of hacker Christopher Chaney, who has been arrested in Florida. Source: Supplied A FLORIDA man accused of infiltrating the email accounts of celebrities, including US actress Scarlett Johansson, has apologised, saying he plans to plead guilty to all charges. Christopher Chaney, 35, faces up to 121 years in jail after being arrested in Florida on Wednesday, following an 11-month probe into the hacking of more than 50 victims, including US actresses Christina Aguilera and Mila Kunis. "I wasn't saving the emails to blackmail someone,'' Chaney, who faces 26 indictments, including accessing and damaging computers, wire tapping and identify theft, told local TV station Action News in Jacksonville, Florida on Thursday. "It started as curiosity and it turned to just being addictive,'' he added, saying his interest was ``seeing the behind-the-scenes of what's going on with the people you see on t...