CLAIM: Lindsay Lohan Could Barely Stand After Night of Partying

Lindsay Lohan was barely able to walk after a celebrating the 25th birthday of her palaspiring actor/writerMichael Donegar at the Palihouse hotel, claims RadarOnline.
According to the site, She was definitely sober when she showed up but as the night went on she got sloppier and sloppier.
Quoting a so-called eyewitness, Lohan ordered two martinis from the waitress, but she said they were for a friend. So the waitress brought them out and handed them to herLindsay took them anyway and took a big gulp out of one of them. About 10 minutes later she did a shot of vodka.
RadarOnlines unnamed source further claims,A guy sitting on the other side of her poured himself a vodka on the rocks and I saw her take two sips out of it.
By 2 am, adds the source, she could barely stand. She was trying to stabilize herself on the chairs. Then she made it over to the curtains and hung on them. The manager saw this and went over and helped her stand up.
The blog ends its account by saying that Lohan eventually got outside, and when she got to her Escalade she just collapsed into it.
Lohan tells Gossip Cop exclusively that the RadarOnline story is such a lie.
Two months ago, RadarOnline similarly wrongly reported that Lohan caused a ruckus at the Hollywood hotspot Paul & Andre.
And just this past week, the blog also incorrectly linked Lohan to Spencer Falls.
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