Sarah Silverman Helping Ashton Kutcher with Two and a Half Men?


Ashton Kutcher is secretly turning to Sarah Silverman to help him prepare for Two and a Half Men, reports the National Enquirer.
According to the tab, since Kutchers old comedy chops might just be a tad rusty, Silverman is coaching him on the finer points of how to trigger yuks in hours-long, intense sessions at his office.
But thats not all.
The Enquirer says Silverman might also be the latest addition to Two and a Half Men, signing on as a writer.
All of this, reiterates the magazine, is being kept very hush hush.
In fact, its such a secret, not even Kutcher or Silverman know about this.
A source close to the comedienne confirms to GossipCop that the Enquirer story is completely false.
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