Madonna Bought a $75,000 At-Home Anti-Cellulite Machine?

Madonna is so obsessed with maintaining a youthful appearance, shes purchased a Cellupulse anti-cellulite acoustic wave therapy machine for $75,000, reports Star.
According to a source for the tab, the singer uses the machine twice a week and faithfully records her thigh measurements to make sure shes on target and flips out if it increases by as little as one quarter of an inch.
Stars so-called insider adds, The measuring and ranting used to drive Guy [Ritchie] crazy He would mock her and joke that he noticed a few new dimples, which he thought was tremendously funny, but she obviously didnt.
But did Madonna really shell out $75,000 to have a machine at home that eliminates cellulite?
Her rep says its not true and joked toGosssip Cop: Why would Madonnaneed a cellulite machine? The girl doesnt even know what cellulite is.
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